All I want for Christmas is a healthy ocean. The holiday season is always so much fun, filled with traditions, memories, and laughter among those we love. However, some things we love tend to be forgotten about during this magical season.
The ocean doesn't get a lot of attention during the holidays and can easily be forgotten about when you're out playing in the snow. However, our decisions and actions can still have an impact on the ocean's future even if we don't live anywhere near it - and even if we are celebrating holidays in the snow.
Here are some helpful tips on how to make your holiday season more ocean friendly:
Christmas Tree - if you are the real Christmas tree type, look for the FSC logo when you are out tree shopping or grow your own. If you are the artificial tree type, try looking on Freecycle or Freegle before going out to purchase one on your own. If you already have an artificial tree, use it! Keep it around as long as possible to prevent more plastic from getting into the environment. Recycle your real trees when the season is over.
Decorations - use biodegradable glitter instead of regular glitter. Glitter is pre-made micro plastic and a nightmare for sea life.
Don't decorate with sand dollar or starfish ornaments! These ornaments purchased in stores were supplied by people who kill sand dollars and starfish and sell them to people who want Christmas decorations. I know they're cool to look at. I'm cool to look at too, but I don't want to hang from your tree.
Use LED lights versus regular lights. LED use less energy and are therefore more cost effective long term and environmentally friendlier.
Please skip the inflatables. The reason you will never see me in a clam shell is because those inflatables are often made of plastic. Christmas Inflatables (the electric kind) also use a lot of energy and cost an additional ($2-9/month). Save money. Save the ocean.
Thanksgiving Dinner - Skip disposable dinnerware. Get out the fine china. Your guests are worth it! (And so is the ocean).
Compost any food scraps that can't be used as leftovers.
Don't drink your Eggnog out of a plastic straw!
Gifts - Use paper wrapping or reusable bags instead of glossy wrapping paper or plastic containers. Non glossy wrapping paper can also be composted.
Think of eco-friendly gifts such as eco-friendly make up, eco-friendly clothing, Mermaid of Hilton Head® books, or a full mermaid experience! (We sell gift cards!)
Don't buy a ticket to any captive dolphin facility. Dolphin torture is not a holly jolly Christmas gift. Check out our mermaid experiences instead.